NCDP (Nordic Center for Digital Presence)


The main purpose of the NCDP platform is to provide competency and technology for “remote presence”. With technology, we open doors of opportunities to new creative meetings across great geographical distances.
It is truly fantastic that over 100 institutions support our work in developing a strong digital infrastructure for distance-learning, regardless of where in the Nordics we are.

Latest news 9/2019 here>>

Join us and see NCDP Members here >>

Petition for NCDP 2017 >>
NCDP Roadmap May 2017 >>

The next step is to submit a petition in which we request support to establish the NCDP (Nordic Center for Digital Presence) platform which will provide the necessary knowledge and tools. This, the Project Group of NCDP will submit in May 2017.

Format for ”presence at a distance”
1. Music education: 1-on-1 education via distance learning.
2. Conferences, smaller-sized ensembles: several stages, rehearsals, performing arts.
3. Theatres and concert halls: Large-scale theatres and concert halls are connected together in an environment with almost no delay.

Way of working
If funding is provided, music education is made available in regions where bre is easily accessible. Subsequently, local concert halls and theatres will get connected to the network at a reasonable cost.
Stage 1: During 2017, around 15-20 music schools will get equipped and connected.
Stage 2: An Assessment/evaluation and optimisation of the technology takes place. Additionally, the app for bookings of a ordable time slots for superfast connections will be introduced.
Stage 3: Development and expansion of remaining 150 localities.
Meanwhile, together with our partners we will assess and develop the NCDP formats 2 and 3, as well as the content for respective formats.

Current examples
Pilot in Jönköping Sweden. In collaboration with the Stockholm Musikpedagogiska institut, Smaland’s Music and eatre plans to connect 4 music schools in the region to Kulturhuset Spira and the studio at KTH.
The music education at Novia Jakobstad plans a distance-learning collaboration with the Aland Island Musikinstitut which already has education by remote with teachers based in Stockholm.

Nordic Center for Digital Presence, 12.2 2018 14:00 Turku SparkUp
Project partners and people interested in live performances met in Turku 12th of February 2018 for sharing experiences around live performances and musical education. Mårten Fröjdö showed the road map and gave an overall view of the project and told us about the goals. Mikko Kanninen from the University of Tampere in Finland shared their experiences around Coriolanus Online rehearsals with Cambridge. Ann-Cathrine Fröjdö from Riksteatern in Hallunda Sweden presented the Opera extravaganza -project. After the presentations a panel discussed the pros and cons performing arts and technology. A common consensus was that we must implement and learn new ways of using the technology in a way which feels comfortable for both the audience and the performers, that brings cost efficiency and that extend stages and venues.

Fiber for Dummies ENG >>

Network Performing Arts Production Workshop in Miami, Us 24-26.04.2018
The Network Performing Arts Production Workshop (NPAPW) is an educational conference and annual gathering of artists, students, academic administrators and technologists exploring the use of interactive media in arts education and performance.

The Medium and Glare in Jönköping, Sweden, Opera -18

Performing Arts with the speed of the light – Digital presence and the Arts
In recent years digitalisation has made cross-border networking easier. Telepresence is a functional model of work in many occasions with the exception of theatre and music. The latency of tens of milliseconds has kept the professionals and young minds involved in music and theatre from enjoying the benefits of this integration that enables musicians to play together over distance. This new format was the focus of the seminar the 16th of April 2018.


Nordplus Horizontal Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme